Bandai's Anime Heroes figure line now lets you step into the anime world of One Piece Comes in premium packaging that is influenced by the Japanese manga art The detailed...
Bandai's Anime Heroes figure line now lets you step into the anime world of One Piece Comes in premium packaging that is influenced by the Japanese manga art The detailed...
From the hit anime series Naruto, comes Naruto Uzumaki. He became the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails on the day of his birth, a fate that caused him to be shunned...
authentic Naruto: Shippuden - Naruto Uzumaki III Vibration Stars 6” PVC Statue As an Uzumaki and a reincarnation of Asura Ōtsutsuki, Naruto has massive reserves of strong chakra, at least...
AUTHENTIC 100% Inhabiting the Wano Country, Kozuki Momonosuke is the son of the late daimyo of the Kuro reigion. While he was born 28 years before the present day, he...
Dedicating entire life to improving his mastery over swordSsmanship, Roronoa Zoro is one of the most capable fighters within the Straw Hat Pirates. Wielding three bladDes at once with immaculate...
Stranger Things 3 - Max Q Posket 5” PVC Statue In the Stranger Things episode "The Mall Rats", Nancy and Jonathan follow a lead, Steve and Robin sign on to a secret mission,...
A substitute shinigami, Ichigo Kurosaki inherited his powers from Rukia Kuchiki from their seemingly chance encounter. Tasked with hunting down runaway souls known as Hollows, his involvement would shake the...